

What Should a Holistic Preschool Experience Look Like for Your Child?

Written By: happycamper

Your child’s preschool education often lays the foundation for their future. Aside from preparing them to do well academically, their early education influences their cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development. 

While conventional approaches to childhood education tend to focus on academic milestones, a holistic preschool experience—which has now become more popular among 21st-century parents—goes even further. The holistic approach is meant to encompass your child’s overall growth and development, utilising different methods that are engaging as well as educational.

One of the most important deciding factors for a high-quality, but holistic preschool education is the curriculum. Which pedagogies or methods does the school use? Is this method consistent with a holistic approach to early childhood education? In Singapore, where preschool education is taken very seriously, it can be hard for a parent to narrow down their options and find the right place to enrol their child. 

An example of a school in SG that puts the focus on the holistic learning experience for preschoolers is Kinderland. Upon enrolling at Kinderland, your child will be exposed to a music-infused curriculum that’s expertly designed to enhance their literacy and optimise their brain development. What’s more, Kinderland’s curriculum includes a comprehensive preschool programme that includes physical fitness, language development, technology literacy, and more. To know more about the school’s holistic early childhood curriculum, you can check out Kinderland’s YouTube channel.

If you’re a parent wondering what a holistic approach in preschools like Kinderland would look like, here are some insights that should prove important:

1)  Holistic Preschools Focus on Play-Based Learning

Play is the language of children, and a holistic preschool understands its profound impact. Through play-based learning, your child can engage in activities that not only stimulate their imagination, but also enhance their cognitive and social skills. 

For infants, playgroup, and childcare preschool levels, playtime is an important part of their day. During these times, your own child can have fun playing with water or sand. Using different toys, they can also improve upon their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and other skills associated with physical development. What’s more, as they play with other children, they can practice their socialisation skills and learn about sharing, being patient, and other values that they should practise in their later years.


2) Holistic Preschools Foster an Inclusive Environment

Holistic preschools champion inclusivity and recognise the uniqueness of each child. Teachers and school administrators in these preschools make it a point to celebrate diversity and to cultivate a sense of belonging in children from an early age. Whether a child is neurodivergent, has a physical disability, or comes from another country, they should be welcome in the class as equals.

To enable your child to appreciate these differences, the school should head activities promoting teamwork and collaboration among children from various backgrounds. This promotes understanding, tolerance, and compassion—values that your preschooler will carry with them through adulthood.


3) Holistic Preschools Incorporate Emotional Development in Their Lessons

While conventional schools tend to emphasise IQ or intelligence quotient, holistic development values emotional intelligence just as much. A large part of your child’s early education in such a school will focus on recognising and managing emotions. 

Through tailored activities, your child can learn to express themselves, develop empathy, and navigate the intricate landscape of emotions, which will contribute to their overall well-being. Some of these activities can involve writing or drawing concepts related to emotions, for example, to teach your child to recognise them and their underpinnings. 


preschoolers outside4) Holistic Preschools Include Physical and Outdoor Activities

More than just a means for expending energy, physical activities are vital for a child’s motor skills development. That’s why a holistic preschool experience would integrate age-appropriate exercises and outdoor exploration into your child’s education. These activities will connect your child with nature and encourage their curiosity and, what’s more, enhance their cognitive as well as physical abilities.

Your chosen preschool might schedule visits to different city parks and provide extensive options for outdoor co-curricular activities. If these are available, let your child participate in them to open up their imagination and stoke their creativity. 


5) Holistic Preschools Touch on Nutrition and Health

A balanced diet is fundamental to your child’s growth, both physically and intellectually. Holistic preschools recognise the importance of nutrition and take the initiative to incorporate it into their curriculum. School staff are among the first to promote healthy eating habits and will lay the groundwork for a life that puts health and wellness at the centre.

In some preschools, teachers incorporate special lessons about nutrition into subjects such as maths and writing. Your child may learn how to count fruits and vegetables or prepare simple recipes with adult supervision. This cross-disciplinary method will go a long way in ingraining lessons about healthy food choices.

A well-rounded and nurturing preschool experience will pave the way for a child to navigate life experiences beyond their academics. As a parent to a growing preschooler, look for an educational programme that can promise holistic growth through avenues like the ones listed above.

Tagged:- finding a preschool, preschool



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