

Setting Up Your School At Home Space

Written By: happycamper

This whole school at home thing is new for most of us. Making the adjustment to learning at home can be challenging for kids (and parents) without setting up some clear guidelines and boundaries. 

Take these five steps to set yourself up for success in your remote school at home space. 

Limit Distractionsremote learning

It’s easy for kids to get distracted with devices, toys, video games, and everything in between. One way to ensure kids are focused on their teacher is to limit distractions around the home. Put parental controls on the laptop so kids can’t pull up social media or video games during school hours. Ask them to leave their phones in the bedroom, or take them and put them into a bin until they’re done for the day. 


Set Up A Work Space

The easiest way to avoid distractions is to set up a dedicated work space where kids don’t have those distractions. If you have a guest bedroom or office, turn that into the classroom space. Those are good options because the kids won’t associate dinner or TV time with that space. If you don’t have an extra room, you can still use the kitchen table or a table in another room. You’ll just need to come up with a storage solution so you can easily put everything in one bin when the school day is over. 


Store Your School Supplies Nearby

You don’t want to have kids running all over the house to find a pencil and paper, or a pair of scissors. Put shelves or storage bins nearby your school space, so materials are handy. You’ll need to store books, curriculum, worksheets and laptops. Other supplies to gather include blank paper, pens, pencils, scissors, markers, art supplies and anything else your kids may need for their classes. Use dividers to stay organized. You can have an inbox system of work they need to complete and an outbox system for work they’re ready to have you review or turn in. 


Set Time Limitsremote learning

Kids want to know what to expect each day. Their teachers may have a specific schedule for them to follow. If they don’t have a set schedule, consider creating one. A little front work on your end will help the week go smoothly. Routines are good for kids. If you’re doing your own schedule, set time limits for work, and build time in for recess. Letting kids go outside or take a break for 15 minutes will help them refocus and keep energy levels up.


Have Snacks Handy

Make sure you’ve got snacks available that are easily accessible for your kids. Set them up with a reusable water bottle and a snack that they can have nearby. 

Check out Happy Camper Live’s website for recess ideas like basketball camp, baseball camp and more.

Tagged:- homeschool, homeschool activities, homeschool projects, school at home, school supplies


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