Camp traditions


A Day In The Life Of A Summer Camper

Written By: happycamper

Every summer camp is different, so a day in the life of a camper will vary depending on the summer camp you are attending. Summer camp usually involves eating fun camp food, trying new activities, learning to take care of your bunk and self, and making new friends. No day is exactly the same, but there’s always something fun to do. 

For a camper at a sleepaway camp, this is what an average day in the life might look like. 


Breakfast And Announcements

Campers need to start their day with a quality meal so they are ready to take the day on. Campers will often line up around the flagpole for morning announcements and daily achievements as a camp family. 


Taking Care Of Your Bunk

Learning responsibility is a part of sleepaway camp, and campers will likely spend some time in the morning taking care of their living space. They’ll make their beds, pick up any laundry, and help with other cleaning duties assigned to their cabin. This teaches campers how to be responsible and work together to complete a task. 


Camp Programs

A large part of a camper’s day will be dedicated to fun programming like arts and crafts, sports, outdoor activities, games, music, and more. Campers will have a choice of how they want to spend their programming time so they can try new things and further develop areas of interest. 



Of course there’s lunch! A summer camp might have a lunch calendar posted somewhere to get campers excited about upcoming meals for the day or week. Some camps have lunch indoors in a mess hall, while others prefer picnic tables outside. This is a great opportunity for siblings or friends to come back together if they’ve been doing separate activities in the morning. 


summer camp outdoorsSpending Time Outdoors

A large part of sleepaway summer camps is about getting active and getting outside. Outdoor activities vary widely and can include playing soccer, going kayaking, swimming in the lake, going for a guided walk, or even doing some outdoor meditation. Fresh air is a big part of summer camp, and spending time outside helps a camper recharge. 


Rest Time

During the day there may be a time where campers can rest by either taking a nap, reading a book, or performing some other quiet activity. 


summer camp fireDinner + Evening Activities

The day will end with dinner, usually followed by formal time for showering since there are so many campers that need to utilize the facilities. After dinner, there may be another camp gathering around the fire, storytelling, or free play where kids can play board games before settling in for the night. 

Tagged:- a day at summer camp, summer camp, summer camp activities


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